Sustainable Hospitality: Trends and Tips for An Environmentally Friendly Hotel Industry


The trend related to respecting the environment and incorporating thinking about it into everyday life expands by the minute. Awareness of the impact on the environment makes customers more and more willing to use pro-ecological solutions. This also applies to the hotel industry. It turns out that people traveling around the world and using hotels attach great importance to pro-ecological solutions used at places of their accommodation.

What is sustainable hospitality?

Hotels in today’s world have a significant impact on the environment. Guests are becoming more and more aware of this and willingly choose places that meet their expectations also in this regard. The so-called millennials, but not only they, are eager to choose places that try to approach resources responsibly. And it is not only about sporadic virtue signaling but about a holistic view of the problem and implementation of all possible solutions. It is about using and saving resources, such as energy or water; this includes reducing unnecessary activities while maintaining the highest standards. It also has an impact on the community and local businesses.  The use of technology that facilitates various processes and reduces wastage of resources, such as paper, is equally important.

Changes that benefit everyone

Sustainable hospitality is a very forward-looking trend. The growing awareness of societies related to the need to introduce changes in the context of thinking about the environment and acting in its best interest makes their implementation in hotels a necessity today. There are many possibilities in this regard. Some of them are expensive, others require little investment, mainly related to the improvement of the organization or implementation of appropriate systems. The good news is that doing so benefits customers and the environment and has a positive impact on your business. What areas can be improved? Here are some tips:

  • reducing energy and water consumption – many hotels have been doing this for a long time, allowing them to reduce their negative impact on the environment and obtain tangible financial benefits;
  • pro-ecological approach to food – reducing food waste, for example through optimized menu planning;
  • use of renewable energy – thanks to installations that can be planned already at the project level, before the hotel is built, but also at every stage of its operation. Such modernization brings tangible environmental and financial benefits;
  • saving resources – in every aspect of the facility’s operation. Examples include a paper that is used to print documents or flyers. Most of it can be successfully replaced with electronic alternatives;
  • implementation of innovative technologies – the use of ERP systems and related solutions that effectively support marketing activities and contribute to increasing conversion, while having a sustainable impact on the environment.

There are many possibilities and ways to implement pro-ecological solutions in the hotel industry. It is worth reaching for them not only because it pays off, but also for your conviction about the value of such conduct.

Tell your customers about eco-solutions

When introducing modifications related to the sustainable approach to the operation of your facilities, it is worth informing customers about it and reaching them with this information through various channels. A tab may appear directly on the website informing about all activities undertaken by hotels in the field of sustainable development. This allows you to reach a wider range of customers directly, leveraging conversion through direct bookings, supported by tools such as Booking Engine. Information today is an equally valuable resource, so it is worth using it skilfully in this area as well.

Environmentally friendly hotels are facilities that will be searched by customers much more eagerly and willingly. It is worth adapting to these changes now and supporting sustainable development while engaging in informative and advertisement activities. Customers need to know that the use of resources at their chosen facility is responsible.