5 Healthiest Places to Live in The UK Check It Out in Order


We all have the biggest aspiration in our life and we all want to settle in the healthiest place. Where we can live our life happily. So, you need to find a place that can physically and mentally fulfil you. Many external factors influence this.

Clean and fresh air influence your respiratory system as well as boosts your immune system. Moreover, living in green spaces will help you healthily regulate your emotions.

So, one obvious question may arise in your mind where we can be happy to live? Here, in this article, I am going to provide the 10 healthiest places to live in the UK.

The healthiest place to live in the UK

Experts of the Off-grid grass division at Flogas have researched the best UK locations that have a greater impact on the well-being of its residents as follows:

1st. Milton Keynes:

Healthiest Places to Live in The UK
Milton Keynes

Recently has been awarded as the best healthiest UK location to live happily and healthily. It is the place to smile and cheer. When it comes to positioning the healthiest places in Britain, this urban area is positioned top of the ranking.

Based on the collected data, Milton Keynes is one of the sites with the lowest pollution rates in the United Kingdom. So, it has a very satisfactory air quality score.

On a score of 100, it has gained 97.97, which means the residents of this urban area can happily enjoy the fresh air and deep breath.

In addition, Milton Keynes has a greater impact on the cities and towns around it offering green spaces. As per the Numbeo Quality Life Index, this location has shown the highest satisfaction rate regarding parks and greens.

2nd Brighton and Hove:

Brighton and Hove
Brighton and Hove

Brighton and Hove are located on the South coast of England, it is the most preferred location for sunbathers and beach lovers. Moreover, if you are searching for a UK location that can aid both your mental and physical well-being then Brighton and Hove surely feature on your list too.

You will have a sunny atmosphere and pleasant weather all year round. On average, Brighton welcomes 1,670 hours of sunshine per year. You may know that sunrays release serotonin, it is a neurotransmitter that lifts your mood. So, you can feel calmer.

It is a fact that the Southern cities score second regarding sunshine. The most advantage that tends to benefit you is that Brighton has a wide range of beautiful greeneries as well.

It has scored 91.23 out of 100, it is clear to observe that the residents of this city appreciate the health-boosting parks and green spaces scattered all around the cities.

3rd.  Swansea and Middlesbrough:

Swansea and Middlesbrough
Swansea and Middlesbrough

Swansea and Middlesbrough have positioned third in my quest to search for the healthiest place in the UK. The coastal city of Swansea offers a green, natural space for its inhabitants to enjoy their life.

 It has scored 98.13 out of 100, which means the residents fully enjoy the city’s green spots and scenery heartily. Moreover, the climate of this city is warmer than in other parts of the country.

The average temperature of Swansea is 11.27 degrees centigrade, welcoming a mild location all year round.

This area is free of air pollution which means people can breathe in the fresh air deeply. Middlesbrough is a location with the lowest pollution rate. Also, this city offers the best quality of air to its residents all year round.

So, if you wish to inhale the fresh air to favour your well-being then you can go forward with this town.

4th Sunderland:


The port city Sunderland has positioned 4th. This city resides 30 miles north of Middlesbrough. I am going to discuss the factors that make this city look after your health.

Like Middlesbrough, this city also gets some quality scores when it comes to the quality of the air around the area. As per my research, it is the second-best location in Britain regarding the lowest pollution rates and securing the best breathability score.

This area is covered with rivers, making it one of the healthiest places to live in the United Kingdom.

5th. Plymouth:


It is worth mentioning that Plymouth is one of the best healthiest places to live in Britain. With a picturesque lighthouse ( Smeaton’s tower), a 17th-century Royal citadel, to a remarkable aquarium, this Healthiest place in England is full of surprises.

You know that amenities and attractions are not only the factors to make it appealing but the healthy thing to consider.

Plymouth is one of the warmest locations in Britain. This Devon-based port city has an approximate temperature of 11.32 degrees centigrade. The sun illuminates the area all year round. So, the residents can enjoy doses of Vitamin D on regular basis.

Sunshine has a greater impact on our well-being. From air quality, low pollution rate, green spaces, an abundance of parks, and hours of sunshine, there are plenty of factors that can make this place stand out.

These factors also play a vital role in your health and well-being. If you are thinking of relocating to the healthiest towns and cities in the UK, you can put Plymouth on your list too.


Which one is the safest city to live in in the UK?

Ans: There are plenty of factors that determine the overall safety of a location. But, here I am considering the only crime. Because crime is the most active factor among all.

Without a doubt, I can say that Wiltshire is one of the safest cities to live in in the UK. A total of 53 crimes were found in 1000 people in 2021 in Wiltshire.

What is the healthiest place to live in the world?

Ans: psychologists have found that a close relationship, helping others, and an enjoyable job are a pillar of being happy in life. Also, a balanced lifestyle, pollution rates, obesity analysis, etc. taking into account while comes to choosing the healthiest place to live in the world.

Austria is one of the richest countries with clean and greenery spaces, making it an ideal and enjoyable place to live in the world.

What is the happiest country to live in the world?

Ans: Finland has ranked as the world’s happiest country in 2021. Finlanders are happier than others in the world as they can make their own choices. Besides, they exposed minimal suspicion of government corruption. These two factors are the major contributors to overall happiness.

Wrap Up:

Improving the quality of life is the reason why people are struggling to find out the healthiest places where they can live happily and healthily. But, there are several factors that you need to consider while researching such as levels of obesity, pollution rates, greenery spaces, and crimes.

But, hopefully, I have managed here the 5 healthiest places to live in the United Kingdom. You can choose any of them to build to promote your good health.