Top 10 Made in UK Shoe Brands


Shoes are one of the types of footwear which can be used to protect and comfort your foot. You can find different types of shoes in the market.

In this article, you will learn about the top ten Made in UK Shoe Brands in the market.

List of Top 10 UK Shoe Brands in The Market:

The top 10 famous British shoe brands are given by,


UK Shoe Brands

It was established in 1880. These shoes have been a reputation for over 135 years. The company uses only carefully selected leathers, while the upper part is formed by hand on the last.

At present, the Barker is one of the traditional manufacturing methods, including polishing and slow natural dyeing, and his footwear is still made there in the Northamptonshire village of Earls Barton.

It is one of the most famous shoe brands among people in the UK.


UK Shoe Brands

Joseph Cheaney established the Cheaney in 1886 and again launched it in 1896, along with his brother Arthur and they moved to the factories which can still be running.

Cheaney originally produced white-label shoes exclusively for leading retailers around the world. 

In 1964 the founder of the shoe brand Cheaney was sold to Church’s English Shoes, meaning the brand was available to retailers worldwide. In 2009 Jonathan and William Church bought this company. 


UK Shoe Brands

The church was launched in 1873 by Thomas Church and his three sons. In the year of 1990s, the church brand was controlled by Prada, which bought 83% of the company for $170 million. 

The company’s plant remains in Northampton’s St James area and has a capacity of approximately 5,000 pairs per week.

The quality level set in 1873 remains today and all shoes are 100% made in Northampton.

Crockett & Jones:

UK Shoe Brands

It was founded in 1879, Crockett & Jones is the world’s best footwear manufacturer from Northampton and they are incredible.

The founding family owns and manages this business, which retains its truly timeless quality and style above all.

All shoes are 100% made in Northampton, and they might be Ape’s favourite shoe brand.

Edward green:

UK Shoe Brands

One of the most expensive brands on this list, the Edward Green shoes justify their reasonable prices thanks to the hand-cutting from some of the best leather in the world. It is the best British shoes.

The shoes in the brand’s workshop are produced on the same principles that have guided the brand since 1890. Each shoe is designed and polished with impeccable attention to detail.

It combines the timeless elegance of the quintessentially British style, which are Ernest’s favourite Hemingway and the Duke of Windsor.

George Cleverley:

UK Shoe Brands

In 1898, George Cleverley was born to a London shoemaker family and became an apprentice at the age of 15 after fighting for the Army in World War I.

George joined Tuczec, a high-end London shoemaker on Clifford Mayfair Road. George was there 38 years before leaving in 1958 and he will start his own business in London.


UK Shoe Brands

Grenson remains one of the best and most well-known shoe manufacturers in the world today. They will produce the best leather shoe brands.

A pioneer who continues to push the boundaries of shoemaking.

The brand was the first manufacturer to use the now-famous Goodyear welded construction method and in recent years, it has launched the ‘Triple Welt’ line, a collection of shoes whose concept is not by the design department but by factory craftsmen.

It the designed to look like there are three grooves of different widths.

John Lobb:

UK Shoe Brands

John Lobb in the shoe manufacturing field since 1866 in London and in 1902 in Paris. Today, the company maintains custom shoe traditions in the French capital.

At the same time, keeping the bespoke principle of producing an ever-growing collection of footwear and ready-to-wear leather goods.

The biggest change occurred in 1976 when the Hermès Group acquired John Lobb.

However, John Lobb Ltd, a London-based workshop, remained in the family’s hands and continues to operate independently of the company’s premises at 9 St James’s Street, a Paris-based custom studio.

They will produce ready-to-wear collection branded shoes, and the Lobb boutiques are part of the Hermès Company which Hermès own.


UK Shoe Brands

In 1880, the family of Loake produced traditional British footwear John Loake opened the first Loake shoe factory with his brother Thomas and Brother William.

They are in the field of shoe manufacturing for about five generations and more than 130 years later, Loake has been associated with fine handmade shoes.

In 1894, Loake’s premium shoes were still made in Kettering, England, in the same factory the three brothers.


UK Shoe Brands

It is one of the British-made shoes. Trickers is another shoe brand and will win the Player’s Player award within the Tiled Guild every year for a short spell as an Apprentice Tailor.

The co-workers always feel better when they mention Trickers.

In particular, their Stow Biker Boots, with their high-shine Iris stains, were worshipped by one of their colleagues. All shoes are 100% made in Northampton.

What are the common materials used in branded shoes?

Some of the common materials used by British shoe manufacturers are given,

Top 10 Made in UK Shoe Brands


Leather is flexible and durable, as strong as soft. The elastic can be stretched out. But it is resistant to tearing and abrasion.

It also has the properties of breathable and heat-insulating material that helps control temperature. This allows leather shoes to conform to the wearer’s foot like other shoe materials don’t.

It is a common material used by shoemakers, especially in making shoes for men.


The fabric is still quite popular to make shoes; just like in the movie Textiles are available in a wide variety of colours and designs. The possible variations include different fibres, rejects (or weights of fabric), weaves, and knits for textiles.

Textile shoes can be found in rayon. Lycra and polypropylene are some of the major advantages of textile shoes of versatility in style and design.


Synthetic materials have many names, such as PU leather or simply PU synthetic leather, or just synthetic. Still, they are all the same in a two-layer artificial composite: the outer surface is bonded to a support layer made up of polyester fibres.

The same goes for all synthetics used to make shoes for a more affordable but affordable athletic shoe. 


Rubber is often used in shoes to make shoe soles. However, it’s not the only material used to make the outsole. But it is also one of the most popular sports shoes such as running shoes and tennis shoes.


Foam is the most common material used to support uppers of all types of shoes. Whether it is leather, textiles, synthetic materials, or even rubber, different types of foam, countless numbers are used for this purpose.

Although generally divided into two types: open cell and closed cell. All foams are plastic in open-cell foam porous material, allowing water and air to pass through in closed-cell foam. These available cells are sealed. 

Who is the best English shoemaker?

Ans- John Lobb is the best English shoemaker. He founded his brand in 1866. Today, the company has brunch in England and as part of the Hermès group in Paris.

Final verdict:

Hope you can get a clear discussion about the top ten UK-branded shoes in the market. You can choose the best shoes with the help of this article and choose the perfect material for your shoes.