How Composite Decking Could Help to Boost Business in 2024


Outside space for hospitality businesses has always been important. 

First, it was the smoking ban back in 2007 pushing punters outdoors, next it was the rules and regulations of living through the Covid-19 pandemic. But it’s not just trying to follow the letter of the law that makes sound business sense.

Alfresco dining has always been an attraction and creating an appealing outside space will not only increase kerb appeal but also boost capacity and, ultimately, business. 

Here we take a look in more detail at the importance of outside space for businesses and why in 2024, the smart money will be spent on composite decking

Can decking really help business? 


Here’s how:

Increase capacity 

Don’t shell out for bigger premises, simply make better use of the space you already have! 

In many cases, making proper use of outside areas can more than double capacity. Cover these areas and add heaters, so the weather doesn’t need to impact use, and you’re on to a winner.  

Up appeal

Who wants to be inside on a lovely day? There’s nothing nicer than being able to sit out and make the most of good weather. 

It’s not just about the weather though, many people are anxious about catching germs at this time of the year and prefer the relative safety of being in the fresh air.  

And let’s not forget the fact almost 30% of the UK adult population now own a dog! If you’re not ready – or it’s not practical – to open your doors fully to four-legged friends, offering an outside area can prevent you from losing custom.  

Organise space 

Want to create a clearly marked smoking area or a space to just enjoy drinks? Whether it’s done by using varying levels, different coloured boards or combining decked areas with existing patio, decking can be used to effectively zone areas.

Boost company morale

Whilst the main focus may be on hospitality businesses, composite has its perks across all industries. 

For example, you could use it to create an outside space for staff. A place to escape to during breaks and lunch for fresh air will help to increase morale and help to encourage a happy, healthy team…and a happy workforce means a productive workforce.

Why use composite decking for commercial premises?

When it comes to business, it’s all about the bottom line – running a cost-effective and efficient enterprise is essential. 

Yes, you could opt for timber decking – invariably this is the cheaper option initially – however, it’s important to look at the bigger picture and factor in the long-term costs. 

Timber requires ongoing maintenance to stay in condition, remain safe to use, and stay looking good. 

In comparison, composite decking demands minimal upkeep – no annual repainting, no expensive protective treatments, and no threat of rot setting in. 

But savings aren’t the only motive to go for composite. 

Other reasons it makes great business sense include:

Year-round usability 

Why create a space that becomes a no-go zone for 6 months of the year? The smart money will be spent on outside space that can be used whatever the weather.  

Thanks to its anti-slip surface, composite decking offers just that – unlike wooden decking which can become lethal in wet conditions. 

Reduced liability

Dealing with the public is never straightforward, and ensuring your business meets all necessary health and safety standards is essential to ensure your business is protected from potential claims. An easy way to reduce this risk is to opt for composite decking. With dependable durability and inbuilt safety, you can be confident of a reliable outside space.  


With reduced maintenance needs and increased resilience compared to timber boards, composite decking is the obvious choice. No need to invest ongoing time and money into maintenance. In fact, with the right care, composite decking can last for many years – upwards of 25!

Green credentials

Another increasing priority for business owners is to promote environmentally friendly practices. Taking responsibility to minimise any negative impact on the environment and boost sustainability.  

Composite decking is one of the most environmentally friendly options available. Made from recycled wood fibres and polythene, it reduces landfill waste. And, as it also doesn’t require sealants or staining, there are no harsh chemicals required for its upkeep.   

Increase profitability today

Get your business off to a great start in 2024 with composite decking.

Available at a great price from HR Composites, a leading manufacturer of quality composite boards, you’ll discover a range of attractive colours, finishes and board lengths to choose from. 

Why not get in touch to find out more about how composite decking could work for your business and place an order today?