Benefits of Using Starflower Oil

Starflower Oil
Benefits of using Starflower Oil

In today’s world of anxiety, stress, and food adulteration, diseases have become an integral part of our lives.

Thus, there’s a constant search for better and improved varieties of plant products that can deliver amazing health benefits. Amidst the quest for obtaining such beneficial products, scientists have zeroed into a rare plant, i.e., the ‘Starflower’ plant or Borago officinalis.

Wondering why it’s called the starflower? It’s because of its vibrant blue star-shaped flowers that are beautiful to look at.

Well, now let’s come straight to its health benefits. The seeds of the starflower produce oil that claims to have superior health benefits. Besides maintaining the health of your skin & hair, starflower oil takes care of your overall health.

So, let’s have a look at the starflower oil benefits in the following section.

High Linoleic Acid Content –

Starflower oil is rich in gamma linoleic acid, a type of fatty acid that converts prostaglandin E1 and helps reduce inflammation associated with several diseases. Starflower oil is known to possess the highest linoleic acid content compared to other essential oils.

Anti-inflammatory Properties & Disorder Treating Qualities-

Because of the high fatty acid content in starflower oil, it claims to have significant anti-inflammatory properties and helps in preventing underlying disorders like cardiovascular disease, eczema, heart disorders, etc. Moreover, starflower oil effectively treats some common disorders such as depression, cough, and hair loss.

Effective in Rheumatoid Arthritis –

Starflower oil has been examined to have potential benefits in treating rheumatoid arthritis. It is an autoimmune disorder associated with the inflammation of joints.

Effective in Treating Eczema and Related Skin Disorders –

This oil effectively regulates the moisture level of the skin. Thus, it prevents the skin from drying and scaling, causing eczema, acne & other dry-skin disorders.

Promotes Growth in Premature Infants –

Scientific studies prove that starflower oil supports premature infants’ growth and development, especially boys. The standard formula of this oil promotes the healthy growth of bones and muscles.

Aids Lung Function in ARDS Patients –

Starflower oil is known to improve the lung condition of patients suffering from or at risk for Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome. Surveys say that starflower oil reduces the intensive care stays in ARDS patients.

Maintains Hormonal Balance in Females –

Females are often prone to hormonal imbalances due to various menstrual changes during their lifecycle and pregnancy. Thus, starflower oil helps females reduce the symptoms associated with PMS & menopause, such as mood swings, breast tenderness, skin changes, etc., arising mainly due to hormonal imbalance.

The female-specific health conditions are largely regulated by the use of starflower oil.

Starflower Oil
Benefits of Using Starflower Oil

Supports Heart Health –

As mentioned in the earlier points, starflower oil is a rich source of Gamma linoleic acid (GLA) or essential fatty acids. Thus it is crucial in maintaining a healthy heart.

A regular intake of starflower oil helps in building a strong heart and improving blood circulation. The anti-inflammatory properties of linoleic acid reduce the risk of heart disease. It also prevents fatty plaque build-ups along the walls of arteries.

Effective in Weight Loss –

Nowadays, weight loss is the prime goal for most people. It is perhaps because achieving a healthy and fit body helps get rid of obesity and health complications. But despite this, most of us fail to attain a perfect body mass, mostly because of unregulated appetite hormones.

Thus, our craving for food reaches an unmanageable high, leading to weight gain. Starflower oil can effectively regulate such a condition. Although the exact mechanism behind the process is unclear, studies reveal that the starflower oil benefits are quite noticeable for weight loss.

Improves the Eyesight –

Maintaining steady visual health is a serious challenge as a person approaches an older age. Most of the elderly tend to experience a downturn in their visual health.

According to researchers, starflower oil is immensely useful in preventing eyesight from deterioration. It also reduces the symptoms of Dry Eye, such as irritation & discomfort.

Final Thoughts:

Starflower oil is a boon for all of us for its effectiveness & health benefits. All we have to ensure is the right intake and prevention of side effects. Only then, our medicinal boon will remain intact and won’t turn into a bane for us.