Top Steps to Take Once You Are Out of Education

Out of Education

Once you are out of education, it can be incredibly difficult to decide what steps you want to take next. Then, if you have recently graduated and yet feel a little lost, here are some of the best actions that you should take if you want to keep progressing in your career and striving toward your goals.

· Start Applying for Roles

Rather than waiting any longer to get your foot through the door, you should instantly start looking for and applying for roles the moment that you graduate. Not only does this give you the chance to search for the best position for you before you become desperate to take any role that becomes available. It also allows you to get in first when it comes to applying for the best internships and graduate roles. You could even use your university’s career service while you still have access to it as this will allow you to apply for roles at top companies without having to scour the internet to find these available positions.

· Get a Mortgage

However, it is not just your career that you have to think about when you leave education, but also your living situation. Then, once you have left university and are looking for somewhere to live, you should see whether there are mortgage companies that offer loans to those in your career path specifically. For instance, if you are working within the healthcare industry, DoctorsMortgagesOnline offers mortgages for junior doctors, as well as financial advice that can help you to manage your new salary much better and avoid having to pour most of your wages into rent.

· Find a Mentor

You should also consider whether finding a mentor might be an advantageous step for you. Finding a mentor can allow you to have a guide to your industry and can ensure that you have someone by your side throughout your entire early career. Finding a mentor can be difficult and often depends on how good your networking skills are. However, you can find a mentor from anywhere, including in your workplace, at conferences and workshops, through family and friends, and at local social groups for those in your industry.

· Make a Plan

However, you will not be able to get very far at all without a detailed plan. A plan for both your career and your wider life can help you to always know what step you need to take next and can help you to stay on track and hold yourself to account, rather than get stuck in a rut. Then, making a 5 or 10-year plan can help you to visualize your future, even though you should try to keep it as flexible as possible with the understanding that plans can change.

· Create a Resume

You also need to have a document that can showcase all of your experience and skills and which can make employers desperate to have you on their team. Then, if you have not already created one, you need to write a resume, along with a cover letter that you can send to employers. If you are worried about doing this, there are many templates online that you can use as a starting point.