Simplifying Investment for Beginners: What Influences a Share Price?


If you’re unfamiliar with investing, share prices, often known as stock prices, can be a bit puzzling. They fluctuate up and down and scarcely stop. But why is that? What variables influence the movement of stock prices? How are share prices determined?

If you’re at the onset of your investment journey, this article will cover all the above questions and help you make sound investment plans.

What Factors Influence Stock Prices?

Stock prices are influenced by supply and demand dynamics. If you’re not familiar with these terms, it simply implies that when there are more buyers (demand) than sellers, prices will rise (supply). They will also fall if there are more sellers than purchasers.

If share values continue to rise over an extended period, you may witness the onset of a bull market. Similarly, if share values continue to fall sharply, the market is considered a bear market.

Other significant factors that influence share prices include:

Demand and Supply

The primary determinants of a share’s price are supply and demand. As the words imply, supply depends on the availability of a particular share. At the same time, demand points to its need. A share’s price rises when supply is low and demand is high, while it falls when supply is plentiful, and demand is low.

When news and reports demonstrate a company’s good performance or expected growth in its industry, demand for its shares rises, and the stock price increases proportionally. Negative news and forecasts, on the other hand, will cause prices to fall.

Thus, investors will be less likely to acquire shares and more likely to sell them, increasing supply in the market and lowering the price appropriately.

Corporate Performance and Finances

Public traded companies must submit reports that include their most recent results, current cash flow, and performance expectations. The reports, as well as a company’s subsequent performance following the issue of those reports, can alter the supply and demand for shares.

Additionally, strong performance will improve demand for its shares, while poor performance will cause it to fall.

The declaration of dividends can also affect the price of a stock. If dividends are more than expected, share prices rise, and vice versa.

Internal relations and management also influence an investor’s perception of a company, affecting the stock price. Suppose the firm’s leadership is capable and stable and has a solid social responsibility program. In that case, it is generally regarded as a corporation that will continue to expand and flourish.


During economic booms, share prices rise; during recessions, share prices fall. Interest rates have an impact on stock prices as well. In low-interest-rate circumstances, investors often seek greater-risk investments for more significant returns.

This generally results in increased inflows into equity markets. In contrast, when interest rates are high, investors will accept the greater returns offered due to the reduced risk associated. This tends to reduce demand for shares.

Furthermore, inflation is thought to alter a company’s purchasing and spending power and that of its consumers. It may lead their pricing to fluctuate correspondingly.

What Motivates Investors to Purchase and Sell?

There is no single cause that may explain investor behavior. Instead, various circumstances could impact their decision to buy or sell. For example, they believe a firm has the potential to perform well in the coming years and want to profit from its predicted success. Hence, they purchase shares, driving up the price.

This occurred during the 1990s with Internet-based businesses (dotcoms). Investors were sure that these companies would succeed, so they invested in them, and the price of their shares rose for a brief period. However, once the companies struggled, investors began to sell their shares. Share prices fell precipitously, precipitating a crash.

Uncertainty in a Variety Of Factors

When economies stall or political tensions flare, the markets might experience panic, and many investors liquidate their shares to prevent potential losses. However, by panic selling, investors only serve to drive down share prices and compound their losses.

Uncertainty can be unpleasant, and it’s natural to be anxious, but it’s critical to keep your cool if you’re investing. Markets may rise once things calm down, and if you are no longer invested, you may miss out on possible gains. Moreover, consider this perspective: if panic selling drives down prices, it suggests that assets are becoming more affordable.

So why not take the edge of the potential savings? Consequently, if the markets and the valuation of your investments grow, you stand to profit.