4 Tips For Developing a Marketing Strategy For Your Real Estate Business

Real Estate Business

Competing in what can often be perceived as a saturated market means that you need to always develop and reimagine your marketing strategy for your real estate business.

We’ve gathered some top tips so that you can ensure your business stays at the top of its game.

4 Tips for Real Estate Business Marketing Strategy

Real Estate Business

1. Use Flyering Campaigns and Word-of-Mouth Promotions

Advertising today can be difficult given your competition. A great way to avoid these problems is to invest in a real estate agent flyer campaign. You can hand out flyers at open houses, show homes, and even mini business card versions that you can hand out at parties.

Word of mouth is a very effective way of advertising you and your business – your clients will get to know you as someone whom they can trust and go to.

It’s easier to gauge interest based on a face-to-face conversation as opposed to a like on Instagram or Facebook, so this is advantageous for both you and your clients.

The next time you’re at a networking event or a meet and greet, ensure you take flyers and reinforce your personable conversation with a business card or flyer so that your client has something to remember you by.

2. Encourage Reviews

Reviews are a crucial aspect of engaging a wider client base within your real estate business. Having someone vouch that your company does a great job increases sales and client numbers, and also encourages repeat custom.

It’s important to bear in mind that a client is often willing to pay more for a higher-rated service than opt for a cheaper option that isn’t rated as highly.

What’s more, each review that a client leaves is essentially a free advertisement for you and your business. This is even better when the client tells their friends and family of the excellent service you provided for the client.

Ensure that your clients leave a review by explicitly asking or even adding a section on your business card that they can leave a review on whichever site you prefer.

3. Host Events

Another way to advertise your real estate business effectively is to host events at the properties you have for sale. This is a great way to advertise office space – you could host your winter party in an office space that is available to rent, for example.

During these events, it’s crucial that your team are on the same page: mingle, network, and promote your business in the form of word-of-mouth and the aforesaid business card/flyer handout.

This is a good opportunity to thank your current client base and invite them to bring friends, family, and colleagues along, as this is a fantastic way to widen your client base.

A pro tip is to ask every single person who attends to sign in with their name and email – this means that they’re automatically on your books with no further work required from you.

4. Be Visible

Visibility should always be a core concern when you’re developing a marketing strategy. This keeps you at the forefront of your current clients’ minds and ensures that you’re consistently reaching a new audience.

Social media is a great way to boost your online visibility, and it pays to ensure your social presence is consistently updated with fresh, appealing information – an increasing number of customers research a business’s social profiles before engaging their services.

PPC ads and SEO campaigns are also key to boosting your online visibility. Appearing near the top of SERPs increases lead generation and pays dividends in the long run.

Continue To Develop Your Strategy

A real estate marketing strategy should be treated as a long-term investment, with new strategies building on past successes to achieve continuous growth. What are you doing well? Where are you missing outreach opportunities?

Growth marketing requires you to build and grow based on careful analysis. Good luck!