How To Secure Your Garage Door


Your garage door is a valuable item to have. Not only does it protect your garage that stores your belongings and car, it’s also an entry point into your home. This is why it’s important to take the steps to ensure your garage door is well protected and secure. Garage doors are usually an entry point for burglars looking to break in, so making sure your garage door is as secure as possible is imperative to your safety.

Keeping your garage door secure and safe at all times is essential but how do you go about doing this? Industrial door manufacturer Hormann has put together this guide on garage safety and how to secure your garage door from thieves.

Secure Material

The first step in having a secure garage door starts before you make your purchase. Deciding on the material of your door is an important security step as you’re deciding on the strength and quality of it.

Deciding on a good strong material such as steel will help improve the security of your home. Thieves may be deterred by a steel door that is difficult to get into. This is why choosing a material that’s highly durable and compatible for the type of garage door you’d like is significant.

Install A Security Camera

An important safety feature for your garage door is a security camera. Security cameras not only capture footage of criminals potentially attempting to break into your home, but they also act as a deterrent.

Thieves noticing a security camera means they are much more likely to abandon their plan as the risk of being caught heightens. This means that having a security camera installed next to your garage door could potentially stop crime and keep you, your home, and your belongings safe.

Another reason to install a security camera is the chances of catching criminals if a crime occurs on your property. In the unfortunate event you are a victim to a crime, a camera can be an extremely helpful tool for police to work with.

You can also catch any suspicious activity on a camera if you check it regularly. Criminals who are planning to target your home may come to your house before the crime takes place to observe the area and take pictures of your house. Spotting a security camera may deter them from this, as well as the added bonus of you becoming aware of this activity.

Buy a ‘Beware of The Dog’ Sign

Another deterrent to secure your garage door is to hang a ‘beware of the dog’ sign up. Having one of these signs on your garage door can scare burglars into thinking you have a dog that could draw attention to them by barking and even potentially attack them if they try to enter your home. Even if you do not own such a dog, potential thieves won’t know!

That sums up this guide on securing your garage door, we hope you found this article helpful.