How To Keep Your House Clean And Tidy

Clean And Tidy

The true secret to having a clean and tidy house is by performing a number of tasks on a daily basis, in order to prevent the clutter and mess from ever getting too much and making the job of cleaning and tidying up that much bigger. We have listed these daily tasks below so that you can get your house looking as good as new right away.

Make your bed in the morning

As soon as you get up in the morning, you should automatically make your bed, as leaving it unmade makes your bedroom look a mess. There are a number of ways you can do this and if you want some tips, check out the following video on YouTube –

This is a quick and easy thing to do but has a big impact.

Empty your dishwasher each morning

By emptying out your dishwasher each and every morning, it means that dirty dishes are not left out on the dining table, on the counter, or in the sink, and your kitchen does not look a mess. It also clears up space to allow you to do some actual cooking. Whilst this should take no more than 5 minutes, it has a significant impact on the overall tidiness of your house.

Wipe down faucets and sinks

With bathrooms coming under heavy use on a daily basis, they can soon look pretty unkempt, with hair all over the sink and toothpaste all over the mirror. By keeping some cleaning materials stored in your bathroom, such as multi surface cleaner, you always have something at hand to clean up your bathroom with. If you do nothing else to the bathroom, as a bare minimum, you should wipe down the faucets and sinks that are in there.

Work to a cleaning schedule

By sticking to a strict cleaning schedule it ensures that your house remains clean and tidy at least for some point in the week. You can set this to as frequent or infrequent as you have time for. However, that does not mean that you cannot clean any other time of the day. For instance, if a cup of juice gets spilled over, do not leave it until the schedule dictates in order to clean it up – spillages should always be cleaned up as soon as they happen in order to avoid staining.

Clean up after cooking

Leaving waste found around and having worktops that are dirty is likely to attract pests and rodents to your home. This is something that you do not want to happen. For this reason alone you want to make sure that you always clean up immediately after you have finished the meal you have just cooked. The same is also true when you are preparing light snacks or handling any sort of food within your kitchen.

Follow these handy tips and your house will never again be the dirty mess that it may be right now.