How Much Does Invisalign Cost in The UK?


Wandering from site to site in search of a reliable treatment that you can try to rectify your twisted, protruding teeth? Tired of all those old metal braces? Do you think they would make you look ugly in the public? Then, you probably are searching for a new idea that you can opt for.

Heard of Invisalign but is not sure about what it is exactly and how much does Invisalign cost in the UK? Then that is probably what has brought you to this article. Invisalign does the work for you, closing the gaps between and making all other corrections so that your teeth look nice together again.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a dental procedure that will save you from the embarrassment of regular braces. As the name suggests, ‘Invisalign’ means invisible aligners. Invisalign serves as a great alternative for regular braces. It is regarded as one of the best, most advanced, and most used new-age dental procedures used for teeth treatment.

Invisalign before and after?

Before Invisalign was introduced, the only option available to the people was metal braces. Metal braces had certain benefits but there were many disadvantages as well. But Invisalign has turned the disadvantages of metal braces into its advantages.


When you don’t want those heavy metal braces in your mouths that can make you smile in public or trouble, then Invisalign is a great option for you. Invisalign is lightweight and super easy to wear.

Easily removable

You can eat everything that you want to. When using those bulky metal braces, there are chances that at times food might get stuck in those brace brackets. However, in the case of Invisalign, you can just remove them whenever you want to eat your favorite food and get them back again.

Clean teeth

Your teeth remain clean. Since you can remove the Invisalign very easily and effortlessly, you can remove them, brush your teeth without any obstruction and conveniently put them back after you are done.


They are also more comfortable. It is invisible. So, you can wear them and don’t create any difference in your look. You don’t anymore have to worry about problematic teeth structure anymore. 

Is Invisalign cheaper than braces?

The cost of traditional metal braces usually ranges between £1500 to £2500. Then how much does Invisalign cost in the UK? Are they cheaper than metal braces? As they serve ample benefits over metal braces, they also cost a little higher than the regular metal ones. However, it saves you from the extra efforts and expenses that you would otherwise have to put or undertake in order to take good care of the metal braces.

You can smile bright with the Invisalign on without having to worry that your braces would affect the look.

Is Invisalign faster than braces?

Though the time required for the best output depends on the treatment plan, the average time taken for the treatment in the case of Invisalign is 12 months. However, in the case of metal braces, the time varies between 18 to 24 months. Thus, the time taken by Invisalign to show its result is comparatively less than Metal Braces.

What is the total cost of Invisalign?

The estimated cost of Invisalign Inthe UK ranges from £1,500 to £5,500. There are three types of options for Invisalign that you can choose from. The Comprehensive, the Lite, and the Express. The Comprehensive is a bit expensive option whereas the Express and Lite are comparatively the cheaper options. What you should choose for your teeth depends upon the condition of your jaw and teeth and their requirements and that would be answered how much does Invisalign costs in the UK?

A rough estimation of the types of Invisalign procedure prices according to the treatment needed.

  • Type – Comprehensive
  • The average time taken – is 12 to 18 months
  • The approximate cost incurred – is £3,500 – £5,500

  • Type – Lite
  • The average time is taken – 6 to 8 months
  • The approximate cost incurred –is £2,500 – £4,000

Type – Express

The average time is taken –3 to 6 months

The approximate cost incurred – is £1,500 – £3,000

Depending upon the condition you might have to spend up to £5000 or even can get it done at the lowest. The prices mentioned are averagely estimated. However, in certain cases, you might be asked to pay a little less or even more.

Since it is not a one-time treatment, it takes time to get your teeth back to normal position. To keep up the condition you might be asked to make some more post-treatment visits to your dental clinic to get the progress checked. However, the cost will not create a hole in your pocket.

Is Invisalign worth the money?

Invisalign serves so many uncountable benefits. You don’t anymore need to worry about what people would think, you can be at ease, it is also convenient and more comfortable. If you wish to enjoy these beautiful benefits, we are sure that you are willing to spend a little more than others. The cost of metal braces is a little less but there are certain disadvantages too.

When catering to so many advantages, it can be assumed that Yes! Invisalign is definitely worth the money you are spending.


So is your curiosity regarding “how much does Invisalign cost the UK?” solved? No matter what kind of treatment you choose for yourself, all of them are going to cost you something, even the best dental implants in concord. However, some costs are a bit high and some are low. But keep in mind don’t judge the treatment depending upon the price. Rather start counting on the benefits catered and then come to any conclusion.