What is Homebrew and How to Install on MacOS?


Homebrew is often labeled differently on different sources because it can serve several functions. In addition, this system is popular among developers as well as ordinary Internet users. Characterized by a number of advantages, which makes it popular. In short, it is a package manager designed to work with MacOs. Because of this, many people look for how to install brew on mac. In addition to files, you can install instruments.

It is important to remember that the system only communicates with Macs. With other operating systems the initialization will not happen. It is downloaded from AppStore or Internet sites. The main thing is to beware of viruses and pirate sites. All the details and features can be read on the official website of the resource.

Features and interesting facts about Homebrew

This system refers to free programming methods. This means that users can independently decide and implement the number of runs, applications, downloads, and other features that Homebrew provides. It differs significantly from the publicly available software, so this criterion is worth considering. In most cases, it is an advantage.

The year of creation is 2009. This development was done by Max Howell, and in 2013 funding occurred. Ruby was used at the time of creation. This is a high-level programming language. Not for nothing, the name denotes dynamism because in fact this programming language is characterized by independent multithreading, fighting garbage, etc.

The Kickstarter platform played no small role in the development of the system. Thanks to it, it was possible to achieve the necessary funding through voluntary monetary donations.

Many people are interested in the logo and such an unconventional name. In the narrow sense homebrew is a beer, but if you consider it on a larger scale, it could qualify as any homebrew.

Homebrew Advantages

The main advantage of the file manager is the principle of operation and functionality. Let’s highlight a few benefits:

  • is written in a high-level programming language;
  • the ability to save applications remotely, thanks to the ssh protocol;
  • you can automate some tasks;
  • free trial;
  • everyone can create their own packages;
  • the ability to download not only files but also tools.

Also, some download options allow you to save Homebrew to different versions of MacOS. The high Ruby programming language allows for good speed. It’s not for nothing that you can find many articles on the Internet that talk about why you should switch to Ruby. Moreover, the development of this system has not ceased, and the demand is constantly increasing. This is a free utility that you can use plainly.

How can I download Homebrew on MacOs?

First, you need to open and understand the terminal. After downloading the utilities, write the code – usr/bin/ruby -e «$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)». Then use the Return/Enter buttons. After that, important information will appear on the screen that is worth reading. After the locations and settings, press Return/Enter again. In the next step, you will need the administrator password. The system will notify the user when the download is complete.

In addition, there are other options for installing Homebrew, among which everyone can choose for themselves the most suitable. Don’t forget the updates, which come up quite often. You can change from the old version to the new one on your own. The better the upgrade, the better the features will be. To update the file manager you can write a combination of ciphers, which are freely available on the Internet.

Why is Homebrew needed?

Many people wonder why Homebrew is needed because the software on MacOs is installed quite easily. The advantage of Homebrew is even greater simplicity.  It is easy to edit because it is set up with only a few hundred lines of Ruby programming. The main thing is to understand the process, to understand the structure, and the sequence of actions. And the structure in Homebrew is not complicated.

In addition, the installation of the file manager and other operations takes less time due to the absence of package duplication. It is worth noting that Homebrew is designed so that users do not need to use sudo when working with packages.

To understand the need for batch managers, you need to understand how they work. The use of other people’s codes is simplified by modifying it into independent modules.

These packages are attached to the native code using the black box method. This is a method where the user doesn’t know and doesn’t care how everything inside the black box works, but he understands what’s going on. This structure makes it easy to update someone else’s code or to replace one package with another with similar functionality.


Homebrew is the file manager that developers and advanced MacOs users need. It will provide comfortable and functional work. Brew has some more useful commands – brew upgrade and brew update. These two commands help keep all installed applications and the Homebrew system up to date. For example, by entering the command brew upgrade, the system checks for updates for all packages or applications installed through it. As a result, updates happen and the user doesn’t have to watch for individual applications to get updates or wait for them to arrive. A person can simply run this command periodically and all programs installed through Homebrew will receive timely updates.