How to Choose a Good Healthy Bread


Bread and other foods made with cereals are essential in the diet of children. They provide carbohydrates (or carbohydrates), fibre, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.

The problem arises when you choose unhealthy bread and accompany them with non-recommended foods.

It is best to have the low-calorie bread UK during meals or with olive oil. Remember that a sandwich is healthier than a piece of pastries but … the “sandwich” always with healthy foods.

Bread ingredients: Bread should only contain flour, water, salt, and yeast.

The “sourdough” is obtained from the fermentation of the yeasts naturally present in the cereal. Bread made with sourdough, traditionally, with a longer fermentation time, has better flavour.

But having sourdough does not make it healthier than that made with fast-fermenting industrial yeasts. Sometimes it is a misleading claim.

What makes bread healthier?

Healthy Bread

The best wholemeal bread is made with “whole grain or whole grain flour,” with all its properties. The outer layer (bran) contains minerals, vitamin B, and insoluble fibre (prevents, for example, colon cancer). The inside (the grain filling) contains protein and carbohydrates.

The germ (granite on end) contains vitamins B, E, and essential fats. It is difficult to find whole-grain bread (because sometimes the flour goes rancid), but it must have whole grain and not just the bran. The grain is crushed or crushed without further ado: whole wheat flour.

If flour is subjected to an industrial process to make it finer (refined flour), it loses all its fibre and has a higher glycemic index (blood glucose rises faster). Traditional healthy bread UK is made with wheat. There are different types of wheat: soft, hard, spelt, and Tritordeum.

Oatmeal can add juiciness to bread and is rich in soluble fibre (very useful for lowering cholesterol).   The “cereal” bread does not indicate that it is wholemeal; it can be made from various bowls of cereal’ refined flour.

A quick guide to recognizing good bread:

Healthy Bread
Healthy Bread

Where do you buy it?

The ideal thing is to buy the bread in artisan bakeries or in those “of a lifetime” in towns or small cities, where the bread is made more traditionally and will be of better quality. The rest of the establishments are not bakeries, but they sell bread and “other things.”

Franchises, supermarkets, and department stores usually bake previously frozen and industrially produced bread. Although they usually have bread with whole wheat flour, the quality is not always assured.


Fresh healthiest bread UK of the day is better than canned bread. Packaged bread usually contains additives, preservatives, fats and sugars, and traces of eggs …

Not having time cannot be an excuse. Fresh bread can be frozen.

Is soda bread good for you?

The typical baguettes, pursuits, and pre-cooked bread loaves … contain refined flours and are industrially produced. The very soft one can contain fat—better large, round, rustic-looking, dark loaves (with unrefined flours).

But the dark tone is not always quality (you can add malts to darken it).


If you have no other options than packaged or “industrial” bread with a label, you must know how to read the ingredients. Do not trust the surnames “rustic, healthy, natural …” this does not guarantee quality.

The ingredients of good bread are 4: wholemeal flour (of the cereal with a high percentage), water, yeast or sourdough, and salt. Avoid labelling with more than 5 ingredients (such as sliced ​​bread).

In summary, let’s choose the healthiest bread for weight loss UK of the day, from traditional bakeries, wholemeal (total or with a high percentage) with or without seeds, and, if labelled, with less than 4-5 ingredients.