What are the SEO Trends for 2024?


Once again this year, we take a look at the major trends that will shape the web in 2024. And if there’s one area where it’s vital to keep up with these developments, it’s SEO. We asked SEO Agency Eskimoz, to give us their analysis of what will change in the months to come, and the major trends to watch out for if you want to keep up.

AI-assisted authoring

One of the revolutions of the year was undoubtedly the arrival of GPT-3, a language model capable of writing like a human. Technology has caused a tidal wave in the profession of web copywriting and by extension SEO.

Thanks to AI, it is possible to understand and reproduce human language. The quality of the articles generated is already very impressive but is set to improve still further. The consequence for SEO and digital marketing players is obviously the temptation to automate content creation (product sheets, descriptions, category pages…).

The release next year of GPT-4, an even more powerful model, should continue this transformation of the place of the written word on the web. AI understanding will be even more refined, and the content generated will be even closer to human content. Above all, GPT-4 should be more “independent” and require less precise briefs. There are also rumors of “multimodal” AI, capable of accepting audio, text, images and video to create content.

A fascinating subject that will still be the talk of the town in 2024.

High-quality, EEAT-compliant content

E.A.T., which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness, has been an SEO guideline for many years. However, Google recently added a fourth E (for Experience) to this acronym.

Today, these 4 factors are used by Google to evaluate the accuracy, honesty, security and reliability of content. This enables it to rank search results to better meet the expectations of Internet users.

Semantic search, the ever-trendy SEO concept

Semantic search is still very much in vogue in SEO. It’s essential to understand how and why your users perform searches.

By asking yourself these questions and finding the answers, you can provide your readers with relevant information and experience. There are some simple principles to follow for successful semantic optimization.

The first is to write for people, not search engines. Always create content that is relevant, concise and easy to understand. If possible, use bullets and lists to facilitate navigation and access to important information. Express yourself naturally to make content more user-friendly.

Using SMO to boost your SEO strategy

A newcomer to the world of SEO, SMO (Social Media Optimization) literally means “Optimization for Social Networks”. In simple terms, it’s a communications strategy aimed specifically at social networks like Facebook or Instagram.

It can be complementary to traditional SEO, which generally takes longer to bear fruit. In fact, a combination of SMO and SEO is ideal for getting your site off the ground more quickly, as it means that Google will easily notice it and index it in its search results as quickly as possible. It should be noted, however, that SMO does not directly affect SEO.

Upgrade to Google Analytics 4

In order to comply with data protection regulations, Google had to react quickly to update its free SEO tool, Google Analytics. While it remains as relevant as ever for website owners, given the Google Analytics indicators that the tool offers to track, you’ll need to make the switch to v4 quickly.

The Google Analytics 4 update will still enable you to continue to better study the customer journey in order to understand the behavior of your target audience. This will enable you to adjust your content accordingly. This update will be effective for everyone from July 2023, so you’ll need to set it up quickly, and right now, to configure the tool correctly.