10 Web Design Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Online Business

Web Design Mistakes

As of today, having an effective online presence is no more an option for businesses, it has become a must. Hence having a riveting website is the one thing they really need to stay ashore because in case you haven’t noticed yet, the world has gone digital. Therefore, having a clumsy ineffective website could mean major monetary loss and be out of business in no time.

A unique and well-designed website with great functionality and features, there you have it, the ingredients to vast viewership. What better way to market your brand and in short let the world know YOU EXIST! This is what necessitates businesses, big or small, to hire web designers in order to avoid mistakes that usually small businesses make to cut costs by not hiring professionals.

Following are the most common web designing mistakes made by small businesses:

1) Hotchpotch

Believe it or not, a hotchpotch in the name of a website is the last thing you would want. For instance, A webpage like this not only confuses the visitors but also nauseates them. It overwhelms them with information, the majority of which is absolutely unasked for. When designing websites, one should keep the relevance factor intact. Websites need to be neat-looking as well as colors need to be very well coordinated and synchronized in a way that appeases the viewer at a glance.

2) Cryptic:

If too much going on is poison, too little going on is no elixir either. Missing out on information in the name of minimalism is going to do no good to your business either. It is essential that your website provides relevant details instead of partial information for the viewers to decrypt on their own later on.

3) Poor Content:

Your content is the main part of your website. It is the medium through which you communicate with your visitors, dispensing awareness regarding the products or services you offer, and why they need to associate themselves with your business. You need to be very relevant and concise in doing so, whilst maintaining the reader’s interest because you would not be able to retain your viewers long enough to look through monotonous content for relevant details.

4) Vague Brand messaging:

It is important to create a website that provides crystal clear brand messaging to the right audience free from all ambiguity. The key is to create communication with your audience on a personal level instead of giving a generalized message like every other brand today. It needs to be about what your brand stands for. It is also important to ensure that all market touchpoints are consistent to not come across as a confused brand as well as present a united front before the viewers.

5) Weak SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

What is the point of creating an amazing website that cannot even be found by anyone? It is great content that brings in traffic by organically getting found via search engines to bring in traffic which is the entire point of website creation. SEO and analytics are great diagnostic tools to take a preventive, detective, and corrective measures affecting the popularity and ranking of the website.

6) Contact Details hard to find:

A website that checks all the boxes in terms of maintaining interest and functionality, however, fails to provide contact information is no less than a concoction to a disaster, because it simply infuriates the viewer. If a viewer has to search through your website to find your contact details, it is likely that he will leave hence your “contact us” page should always be one click away.

7) Slow Load Time:

You are operating in a world that is extremely fast-moving and would not stop for anybody. This is one thing you need to remember at all times. Thus, websites that take longer to load are likely to leave the viewers frustrated regardless of how appealing the website is. Here, slow means a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load, as per the statistics 53% of the visitors leave the page that takes more than 3 seconds to load. This may divert traffic to your competitors’ websites.

8) Not Supported By Mobile:

Which is the most-used device in the world today which is no more a want but a need? And practically owned by every person regardless of their social or financial status? Yes! Mobile phone it is! Is wanting to have a popular website with a vast reach, not the purpose of creating a website in the first place? Well, you are not achieving that purpose without your websites being supported by a mobile phone. Mobile-friendly websites tend to get more traffic. As per research, 67% of users say they are more likely to buy a product from a mobile-friendly site.

9) Content Not Updated:

The content on your webpage needs to be updated at all times. For instance, a business not updating their price list can really make people lose trust in the brand when asked for a different price at their doorstep. Apart from that, a website that is outdated and does not entertain people’s queries does not look very reliable and tends to sway the people away from your page as well as portrays a very careless and irresponsible image of your brand. And people do not like to order from such brands.   

10) Poor Website Navigation:

Ever been to a website feeling lost with no clue what to do next, where to click? Maybe something that looks like this

Pretty sure this isn’t the kind of experience you would want your visitors to have. People have reported immediately leaving such web pages. Hence it is better to have a website that tells people where to go next and is easy to navigate, for people to land on exactly what they are looking for hassle-free.

Having an appealing website can open doors for your brand you had no idea existed. In order to ensure you don’t make these common mistakes and many other uncommon ones, you should find a web designer.