How to Choose a Style for Your Transcripts?


Choosing the right style for your transcripts can be a daunting task. With so many different types of formatting and presentation styles, it’s important to select one that is tailored to the needs of your institution or organization.

Understanding the various styles available, as well as their different benefits, will help you make an informed decision about which style would work best for your transcript needs.

This article will provide an overview of the various styles available and some tips on how to choose the right one for you.

How Does Transcription Format Affect You?

The transcription format will affect the way you present your data and how others view it. Different styles can highlight different aspects of your information, from readability to accuracy to overall presentation.

It’s important to select a style that best suits the needs of your institution or organization. Moreover, in terms of accessibility, some transcription formats can be more user-friendly for those with disabilities or who need to access the data on a mobile device.

Common Styles:

APA (American Psychological Association): The APA style is the standard for most academic institutions and organizations. This style has a very structured layout, with specific guidelines for grammar, punctuation, font size, and line spacing.

MLA (Modern Language Association): The MLA style is commonly used in literary contexts such as essays or book reviews. It emphasizes readability and accuracy while still maintaining a professional look.

Chicago: The Chicago style is often used in legal or business contexts, as it emphasizes precision and clarity. This style is also very structured, with specific guidelines for formatting and presentation.

Harvard: The Harvard style is popular for its readability, as it uses shorter sentences and simple language. This style is popular for its concise yet effective presentation of information.

Other Considerations:

When selecting a style for your transcripts, it’s important to consider the needs of your particular institution or organization. Your style should be tailored to best suit the context and content of your transcripts, as well as any specific guidelines that may be required.

Taking the time to research the various styles available and determine which one is best suited for your needs will help ensure that you make the right choice.

What Makes the Best Transcription Format?

The transcription’s format is crucial because the reader who ends up with your transcripts cannot listen to the audio file. Subsequently, the transcript should be easy to follow and have all the information needed.

Transcription quality can easily be improved by following these requirements for an excellent transcription format:

1. Maintaining consistency

Maintaining a consistent format throughout the transcripts will keep readers from becoming confused and losing track of information. For example, if a name is used for one speaker during an interview, that same name should be used at the end.

Another important element is timestamping – making sure to note the duration of each section. It’s important to keep your transcript format consistent throughout the entire project so that the reader knows what to expect.

This way, they can easily follow along with the audio content.

2. Suitable for its purpose

Depending on how you will use the transcripts, they could be for a research paper, to add captions to a video, or as part of an article for digital marketing. There are many ways to utilize transcripts, so make sure you know your desired outcome before starting the transcription process.

Your transcription’s purpose will be determined by the client’s instructions, which in turn indicates whether you’ll have a verbatim transcript or one that needs editing. Regardless, the transcripts should assist the client in meeting their desired objectives.

3. Preferences of the client

A client wants for their transcriptions vary depending on the intended purpose. In some cases, a full verbatim account is desired to ensure all details are included. Other times, only the content of what was said is needed and fillers such as “um” or background noise can be omitted.

A transcript’s true value lies in its uniqueness. By discussing the priorities, a transcriptionist allows the client to make more informed choices on what they need. In some cases, the client may want to alter the ideas of a transcriptionist to achieve a specific goal. In the end, it is the client’s transcript and it must meet their expectations.


No matter the transcription style you choose, it is important to make sure that your transcripts are accurate and easy to follow. By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure that your transcripts will meet your needs and expectations.

Additionally, a good understanding of the available styles and any special requirements from your client will help you deliver excellent transcription results.