Short Break: What Do You Spend Your Time On?

Short Break

It is easy to be busy, whether you are a businessman trying to make it in a big company – or if you are a stay-at-home dad with 4 children. Life can be overwhelming and sometimes you need a short break of just five or ten minutes.

Science even says that it is important for us to take a few minutes and clear our heads, especially if we are spending most of our day in front of a computer screen. However, it can be hard to find an activity that takes you away from your busy project for just five or ten minutes. In this article, we will try and give you some inspiration!

Take a small walk or get some fresh air

This may sound like something you have heard before – however, you probably keep hearing about it because it is true! Moving your body for just a few minutes a few times a day is very healthy for you and should not be underestimated.

When you take ten minutes to walk, your body loosens up a bit from sitting on the same chair for hours. In general, just the fact that you get to move a little bit, helps your body to stay much healthier.

Play online casino games

There are several platforms available online where you can play online casino games, and all of those different platforms have all kinds of different games. For sure, there will be one that you will like as well!

Maybe you think that you will have to be very invested in the game and that it will take a long time to finish – and maybe you are even scared that you will lose your money, because you may have to shut it down all of a sudden. That is not the case though! Many online casinos are built up of short periods which give you the opportunity to pause it and give it another go later on.

Are you still scared to put in money because you do not want to lose them in case something urgent pops up? Many online casinos offer Free Spins! Like that, you will not have to worry, as the round will be free.

Eat a healthy snack

Even though you are not hungry, you think? And to that, we say: Yes! It does not have to be crisps or anything else unhealthy. What about an apple, grapes or another kind of fruit? Or maybe a whole grain cracker? 

Likewise, have you then heard of frozen yogurt bark? You spread yogurt on a small baking tray or a similar item and mix in some berries, chocolate, or something else that you like. That is also a healthy snack and why not stuff the freezer at work with that? Your coworkers will appreciate it as well. Likewise, your children at home will like it – so if you are a stay-at-home dad with 4 children, why not take a healthy five minutes to break together?

When you treat yourself with a snack that you like, your dopamine-level increases which will make you feel more cheerful and energetic again – and who does not need that by the end of the workday? Try it out!