10 Best Fashion PR Agencies in The London, UK

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KCD is a leading global fashion services agency with 35 times of assiduity experience. They have services in London, Paris, New York, and Los Angeles.

The Hinton Group is a New York-based brand strategy agency innovated in 2017 by Nate Hinton.

The HINTON Group

Black Frame

Black Frame

Black Frame is a New York-based dispatches firm innovated in 2004 by Brian Phillips. The agency offers comprehensive dispatches and brand image results for fashion brands.

LA Force

La Force is a New York-based dispatches agency that works with leading established brands and arising bones. The agency specializes in casting poignant brand stories through media relations juggernauts, strategic hookups, special events, and digital content products.

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The agency has moxie in imprinting strategy and consulting, media and dispatches, digital services, influencer engagement, celebrity and minister services, and event operations.

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3D PR & Marketing

3D PR & Marketing is a commanding fashion PR brand with services in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and London.

Kennedy PR + Brand

Kennedy PR Brand is an Ireland- grounded dispatches agency for decoration life and consumer brands.

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SO PR is a public relations agency grounded in Amsterdam and specializing in PR for beauty, fashion, and life brands.

LAPR is a branding agency grounded in Paris and innovated by Marieke de Weert with over 15 times of experience in assiduity. The agency’s moxie spans the fields of fashion, beauty, and life.


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Purple PR

Grandiloquent PR is a PR agency for luxury brands with locales in London, New York, Miami, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong.

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